
Swup has several options that can be passed in during initialization:

const swup = new Swup({
  /* options */


Defines which link elements will trigger page visits. By default, all a elements with an href attribute will receive clicks.

  linkSelector: 'a[href]';

To allow swup to take over clicks on map areas or SVG links, append the selector:

  linkSelector: 'a[href], area[href], svg a[*|href]';


Allows ignoring specific visits through a callback. By default, swup will ignore links with a data-no-swup attribute on itself or any parent element. The callback receives the URL of the new page, as well as a copy of the element that triggered it, if any.

The URL argument is the relative URL, excluding origin, but including any query parameters and hash.

Note: when navigating programmatically via swup.loadPage({ url }), the callback will not receive the el argument since the visit wasn't triggered by any element.

  ignoreVisit: (url, { el } = {}) => el?.closest('[data-no-swup]');


Defines the elements that are being animated. Usually, they will have a common class or class prefix. The default option will select all elements with classNames starting with transition-.

Swup will wait for all CSS transitions and keyframe animations to finish on these elements before swapping in the content of the new page.

  animationSelector: '[class*="transition-"]';


Defines the containers that have their content replaced on page visits. This option must at least include the main element with the content of the page, but can include any other elements that are present across all pages.

This allows animating one set of elements on the page while still replacing other, non-animated, parts of it: a common example would be the global site navigation that will not animate across pages but still needs to be updated if the language changes.

Defaults to a single container of id #swup.

Note: Only elements inside of the body tag are supported.

  containers: ['#swup'];


Swup has a built-in cache and will keep previously loaded pages in memory. This drastically improves speed but should be disabled for highly dynamic sites that need up-to-date responses on each request. Defaults to true.

  cache: true;


Adjust request headers that should be sent with each swup request. Useful for returning custom payloads from the server or other server-side pre-processing.

  requestHeaders: {
    'X-Requested-With': 'swup', // identify swup requests
    'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml' // define expected response


Swup is built around the History API, but sometimes some other tools manipulating the browser history can be used as well.

For this reason, swup places a source property into every history state object it creates, so it can be identified later (swup also modifies the current history record on start, to include the source: swup property as well). On popState events, swup only handles the records that were created by swup.

This behavior can be modified by the callback skipPopStateHandling, which should return a boolean (false: handle the popState event, true: do nothing). The callback receives one argument - the popState event.

The option defaults to this:

  skipPopStateHandling: (event) => event.state?.source !== 'swup';


This option provides a way of rewriting URLs before swup will attempt to load them. In practice, it's an advanced way of telling swup which visits to ignore. By resolving different paths to a single path, swup will treat all these as a single resource and ignore any visits between them. You can then handle any changes on the page yourself: updating content, title tag, etc. without swup getting in the way. Swup will also use the resolved URL for its cache and for restoring the scroll position if using the scroll plugin.

An example use case would be a project listing with purely client-side filtering based on the query parameters. The server will always respond with the full list of all projects. In that case, you'll want to handle any visits between /projects/?sort=date and /projects/?sort=title yourself, telling swup that nothing has changed and no fetch request to the new URL is necessary.

The callback function receives a relative URL as an argument and needs to return a relative URL as well:

  resolveUrl: (url) => {
    if (url.startsWith('/projects/?')) {
      return '/projects/';
    return url;

The option defaults to (url) => url.


History visits triggered by the back and forward buttons of the browser will skip all animations to allow faster navigation. If you need animations on history visits, set this option to true. When enabled, swup will add the class is-popstate to the html tag during the transitions of those visits. The default value is false.

  animateHistoryBrowsing: false;

⚠️ Important Note: This option was added due to popular request but should be used with caution. When enabled, swup has to disable all native browser scrolling behavior (sets scrollRestoration to manual). We encourage you to strongly consider the consequences of doing so: The scroll positions on previous page(s) or between page reloads are not being preserved (but can be implemented manually, depending on the use case). Otherwise, Swup will scroll to the top/#element on popState as the browser would do.

Default Options

The default option object look like...

  animateHistoryBrowsing: false,
  animationSelector: '[class*="transition-"]',
  cache: true,
  containers: ['#swup'],
  ignoreVisit: (href, { el } = {}) => el?.closest('[data-no-swup]'),
  linkSelector: 'a[href]',
  plugins: [],
  requestHeaders: {
    'X-Requested-With': 'swup',
    'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml'
  skipPopStateHandling: (event) => event.state?.source !== 'swup'