Create Theme

Anyone can create and publish swup themes. To create a new theme, install the swup CLI which can create them from a template.

Alternatively, head over to the template repo and follow the instructions there.


  • Check out existing themes before creating one.
  • The swup instance is automatically assigned to the theme instance and can be accessed as this.swup in the mount/unmount methods.
  • Swup themes automatically set the animationSelector option to [class*="swup-transition-"] to prevent bugs related to other libraries using the same classes. Use swup-transition-* for your theme classes.
  • You can use .css/.styl/.scss files to manage your styles.
  • Unlike plugins, themes need bundling to include CSS files in the bundle. For this reason, the npm run build command is used for building both the npm version (/lib) and the standalone version (/dist).
  • Themes have a few special helper methods:
    • applyStyles to prepend a style tag with defined content in the head tag.
    • addClassName to add the swup-transition-[name] classname to an element.
    • applyHTML to append a div element with defined HTML content.
  • If you feel like this should be an official theme under the @swup organization and the world could use a thing like this, contact me at
  • Use swup's log method to output any relevant information when the debug plugin is used.
  • Themes should clean up after themselves in the unmount method, especially any changes to swup or any event listeners added.